Spoon Thai Secret Menu (4608 N Western Ave, Chicago)
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Partially translated Spoon Thai menu
Spoon Thai Secret Menu Week of 6/23/03
Spoon Thai Secret Menu Week of 6/23/03
Spoon Thai menu translated by FoodFirst
Full Size Images of Menus, will take longer to load, but text should be easier to read.
Spoon Thai Menu. (Full size image file. Will take longer to load, but text
should be easier to read)
Spoon Thai Menu. (Full size image file. Will take longer to load, but text
should be easier to read)
Full Secret Menu at Spoon Thai
Spoon Thai Secret Menu Week of 6/23/03
Wall sign menu at Ed's Potsticker House (3139 S. Halsted St)
One Bite Salad (Mien Cani Lettuce Cup)
Hawy Thawt (Thai style mussel omelet)
Spoon Thai lunch for 6 on 10/28/03
Saow Num (7.13.04 staff lunch, which Wanna kindly shared with us)
Fish Ball, noodles, pineapple, thick coconut milk, hot pepper, ginger, dried shrimp, lime, fish sauce and a pinch of sugar.