Gulliver's Lunch
Lunch at Gulliver's with 12 LTHers, burgers were med well and dry, but good
enough overall. Pizza was pan, but more like a Lou Malnatis thin. I liked the
crust, very Malnati like, and the spicy sausage was good.
G-Force family got a pepperoni (only) pizza, Ron wanted anchovy/spicy
sausage/onion and I got onion/garlic/spicy sausage. French Couple (Catherine)
had daily special of talipa, she said it would have been good, if not for too
much salt.
Decor made my eyes bleed.
Gary, Nr706=Tom, Steve Z, Octarine, CAthy2, CrazyC, Mike G and two kids, the French couple, Brent B, Jesper=Ron