Chowhound Bread Tasting at Mike and Melissa's


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  Bread ready for comparison, though Melissa's homemade boule, top of photo, was the clear winner.     

Bread friendly snacks.        

Ed F and Melissa with Josh and David D 'helping.' <smile)

Quite the Chowhound crowd.

Melissa, Rob, David H

Al, Lee, Zach, Jennifer

RevrendAndy, Ellen W

Al, Vital Info

Kate, Aaron's wife, looking happy at the prospect of bread, wine and cheese.

David H and Brent.

Mike and Rene G.

Josh and Gravlax

Melissa's home made terrine, delicious!

Mayoral Handshake for Melissa, job well done.

Chowhoundita doing what she does best, being cute.

Sam the Wonder Dog.